ISO IEC 23004-8:2009 pdf download – Information technology — Multimedia Middleware — Part 8: Reference software

ISO IEC 23004-8:2009 pdf download – Information technology — Multimedia Middleware — Part 8: Reference software. Revoke domain To remove information of a domain, an administrator requests DM to remove the domain. Once DM receives domain removal message from a user device, the message is transmitted to Authenticator for verifying. And then DM revokes the domain information and it returns the result to a user device. Update domain To update a domain, a user device requests updating domain to DM. When the DM receives the domain update message from a user device, the message is transferred to Authenticator for verification. If the information is authenticated, DM updates domain and returns the result to Initiator. IPMP processing extension The IPMP information of MPEG-2 IPMP, MPEG-4 IPMPX is extracted and then IPMP tool is executed. Specifically, according to the IPMP information, the proper IPMP tools are retrieved and then executed. If there is no proper tool, a tool manager should get missing tools from remote URI in the IPMP information. During the processing of MPEG-2/4, whenever and wherever IPMP processing is required, each tool performs its own IPMP functions. 5 Component model 5.1 Core framework 5.1.1 General This directory contains the current release of the reference implementation for ISO/IEC-23004-3. This release does not contain: ⎯ services needed for remote method invocation (as specified in subclause 6.2) ⎯ servicemanger (as specified in subclause 6.1.2) The references for these parts can be found in the other subdirectories of 3_ComponentModel. 5.1.2 Building For information on how to build and install the software please look at the following file: ⎯ 3_ComponentModel\Core-Framework\README 5.1.3 Functionality This directory contains the software needed for instantiation of services. This library is the runtime environment. The directory contains also tools that aid in the development with components that are compliant with the M3W component model (IDL compiler). The M3W Component model specifies: ⎯ Unit of Trading (M3W Component) ⎯ Unit of Loading (Executable Component) ⎯ Unit of Instantiation (Service) ⎯ Standard interfaces ⎯ Navigation between interfaces (rcIUnknown, rcIServiceGeneric)
5.2 REMI 5.2.1 Introduction M3W manages the execution of services deployed in components. These services are used by means of late binding, i.e. a service and a requester are bound only when the latter actually needs to execute the former. By default configuration this mechanism uses only local components, i.e. those deployed on the device and previously registered to the local runtime process. Inside the M3W two logical components have been included as optional. The benefit is to have the possibility to issue request to service instance that are located in other M3W Systems by means of network messages. This opens to sharing of functionalities, to distributed computing for fault tolerance/load balancing purposes.

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