ISO IEC 19823-13:2018 pdf download – Information technology — Conformance test methods for security service crypto suites — Part 13: Cryptographic Suite Grain-128A

ISO IEC 19823-13:2018 pdf download – Information technology — Conformance test methods for security service crypto suites — Part 13: Cryptographic Suite Grain-128A.
4 Test methods 4.1 General This Clause describes the general test methods for ISO/IEC 29167-13. As the parts of ISO/IEC 19823 are always tested in relation with ISO/IEC 18047 a duplication of information requirements, and specifications should be avoided. Clause 5 defines elements that are assumed to be covered in the respective ISO/IEC 18047 parts and therefore shall not be addressed in an ISO/IEC 19823 part. Only if ISO/IEC 18047 does not define them, then they may be defined in ISO/IEC 19823, although a revision of ISO/IEC 18047 should be the preferred option. Clause 6 defines elements that are not expected to be covered by ISO/IEC 18047 and these shall be addressed in the respective ISO/IEC 19823 part. 4.2 By demonstration Laboratory testing of one, or (if required for statistical reasons), multiple products, processes, or services to ensure compliance. A test laboratory that meets ISO/IEC 17025 shall perform the indicated testing to ensure conformance of the component or system. For Protocol requirements that are verified by demonstration, the test conditions are specified by this document. The detailed test plan is at the discretion of the test laboratory. 4.3 By design Design parameters and/or theoretical analysis that ensure compliance. A vendor submitting a component or system for compliance testing shall provide the necessary technical information, in the form of a technical memorandum or similar. A test laboratory shall issue a test certificate indicating whether the technical analysis was sufficient to ensure conformance of the component or system. For Protocol requirements that are verified by design, the method of technical analysis is at the discretion of the submitting vendor and is not specified by this document. In general, the technical analysis shall have sufficient rigor and technical depth to convince a test engineer knowledgeable of the Protocol that the particular requirement has been met. 5 Test methods in respect to the ISO/IEC 18000 parts 5.1 Test requirements for ISO/IEC 18000-62 interrogators and tags The following mandatory requirements and applicable optional requirements of ISO/IEC 18047-6:2017 shall be fulfilled: — Clause 4 Default conditions applicable to the test methods; — Clause 5 Setup of test equipment. Before a DUT is tested according this document it shall successfully pass the following of ISO/IEC 18047-6:2017: — Clause 7 Conformance tests for ISO/IEC 18000-62.
6.2 Crypto suite requirements This clause contains all requirements of ISO/IEC 29167-13. 6.2.1 Crypto suite requirements of ISO/IEC 29167-13:2015 in Clauses 1 to 8 and Annexes A to C All the requirements of ISO/IEC 29167-13:2015 in Clauses 1 to 8 and Annexes A to C shall apply, inherently by design only. 6.2.2 Crypto suite requirements of ISO/IEC 29167-13:2015 in Clauses 9 to 12 and Annex E Table 2 contains all requirements of ISO/IEC 29167-13:2015 in Clauses 9 to 12 and Annex E.

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