ISO IEC 14476-6:2010 pdf download – Information technology — Enhanced communications transport protocol: Specification of QoS management for n-plex multicast transport

ISO IEC 14476-6:2010 pdf download – Information technology — Enhanced communications transport protocol: Specification of QoS management for n-plex multicast transport.
1 Scope This Recommendation | International Standard provides a specification of QoS management for accomplishing a desired quality of service in n-plex multicast transport connections. For this purpose, this Specification describes the QoS management operations in n-plex multicast transport connections such as QoS negotiation, QoS monitoring and QoS maintenance. This Recommendation | International Standard is an integral part of ECTP-5 (Rec. ITU-T X.608 | ISO/IEC 14476-5). All of the protocol components, including packet formats and protocol procedures specified in Rec. ITU-T X.608 | ISO/IEC 14476-5, are also valid in this Recommendation | International Standard. 2 Normative references The following Recommendations and International Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation | International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and Standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Recommendation | International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the Recommendations and Standards listed below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. The Telecommunication Standardization Bureau of the ITU maintains a list of currently valid ITU-T Recommendations. – Recommendation ITU-T X.601 (2000), Multi-peer communications framework. – Recommendation ITU-T X.602 (2004) | ISO/IEC 16513:2005, Information technology – Group management protocol. – Recommendation ITU-T X.605 (1998) | ISO/IEC 13252:1999, Information technology – Enhanced Communications Transport Service Definition. – Recommendation ITU-T X.606 (2001) | ISO/IEC 14476-1:2002, Information technology – Enhanced Communications Transport Protocol: Specification of simplex multicast transport. – Recommendation ITU-T X.606.1 (2003) | ISO/IEC 14476-2:2003, Information technology – Enhanced Communications Transport Protocol: Specification of QoS management for simplex multicast transport. – Recommendation ITU-T X.607 (2007) | ISO/IEC 14476-3:2008, Information technology – Enhanced communications transport protocol: Specification of duplex multicast transport. – Recommendation ITU-T X.608 (2007) | ISO/IEC 14476-5:2008, Information technology – Enhanced communications transport protocol: Specification of N-plex multicast transport. 3 Definitions 3.1 Terms defined in Rec. ITU-T X.605 | ISO/IEC 13252 This Recommendation | International Standard is based on the concepts developed in Enhanced Communications Transport Service (Rec. ITU-T X.605 | ISO/IEC 13252): a) QoS parameters; b) QoS negotiation; c) QoS arbitration. 3.2 Terms defined in Rec. ITU-T X.606 | ISO/IEC 14476-1 This Recommendation | International Standard is described based on the concepts and terms developed in the specification of simplex multicast transport on ECTP-1 (Rec. ITU-T X.606 | ISO/IEC 14476-1): a) application; b) packet;c) sender; d) receiver; e) tree; f) parent; g) child. 3.3 Terms defined in Rec. ITU-T X.606.1 | ISO/IEC 14476-2 This Recommendation | International Standard is described based on the concepts and terms developed in the specification of simplex multicast transport on ECTP-2 (Rec. ITU-T X.606.1 | ISO/IEC 14476-2). a) QoS monitoring; b) QoS maintenance. 3.4 Terms defined in Rec. ITU-T X.608 | ISO/IEC 14476-5 This Recommendation | International Standard is described based on the concepts and terms developed in the specification of n-plex multicast transport on ECTP-5 (Rec. ITU-T X.608 | ISO/IEC 14476-5).

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