ISO IEC 10646:2003 pdf download – Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS)

ISO IEC 10646:2003 pdf download – Information technology — Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS).
Page 2, Clause 3, Normative references Update the reference to the Unicode Bidirectional Algo- rithm and the Unicode Normalization Forms as follows: Unicode Standard Annex, UAX#9, The Unicode Bidi- rectional Algorithm: .html. Unicode Standard Annex, UAX#1 5, Unicode Normali- zation Forms: 5/tr1 5-31 .html. Page 14, Sub-clause 20.3, Format characters Insert the following entry in the list of formats charac- ters: 1 1 0BD KAITHI NUMBER SIGN Page 20, Sub-clause 26.1, Hangul syllable composition method Insert the following note after Note 2. NOTE 3 – Hangul text can be represented in several differ- ent ways in this standard. Korean Standard KS X 1 026-1 : In- formation Technology – Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Cha- racter set (UCS) – Hangul – Part 1, Hangul processing guide for information interchange, provides guidelines on how to ensure interoperability in information interchange. Page 21, Sub-clause 27.1 Source references for CJK Unified Ideographs Provide a new source reference file with content up- dated to incorporate source references for the 5 new characters 9FC7-9FCB. (The following text is identical to ISO/IEC 10646, ex- cept for the renumbered note, but is linked to the new file.)
Inscriptional Parthian Inscriptional Pahlavi Old Turkic Rumi Numeral Symbols Kaithi Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement Enclosed Ideographic Supplement These blocks add new characters and names at the following code positions: 0800-082D, 0830-083E, 1 8B0-1 8F5, 1 CD0-1 CF2, A4D0-A4FF, A6A0-A6F7, A830-A839, A8E0-A8FB, A980-A9CD, A9CF-A9D9, A9DE-A9DF, AA60-AA7B, ABC0-ABED, ABF0-ABF9, 1 0840-1 0855, 1 0857-1 085F, 1 0A60-1 0A7F, 1 0B40-1 0B55, 1 0B58-1 0B72, 1 0B78- 1 0B7F, 1 0C00-1 0C48, 1 0E60-1 0E7E, 1 1 080-1 1 0C1 , 1 F1 00-1 F1 0A, 1 F1 1 0-1 F1 2E, 1 F1 31 , 1 F1 3D, 1 F1 3F, 1 F1 42, 1 F1 46, 1 F1 4A-1 F1 4E, 1 F1 57, 1 F1 5F, 1 F1 79, 1 F1 7B-1 F1 7C, 1 F1 7F, 1 F1 8A-1 F1 8D, 1 F1 90, 1 F200, 1 F21 0-1 F231 , 1 F240-1 F248 Page 1349, Annex A.1 Add a ‘*’ (for fixed collections) to the following collec- tions: 74 UNI FI ED CANADI AN ABORI GI NAL SYLLABI CS 87 BASI C MYANMAR 90 EXTENDED MYANMAR 1 30 LATI N EXTENDED-C In the list of collection numbers and names, after 1 46 HANGUL JAMO EXTENDED-B insert new entries as follows: 1 47 SAMARI TAN 0800-083F 1 48 UNI FI ED CANADI AN ABORI GI NAL SYLLABI CS EXTENDED 1 8B0-1 8FF 1 49 VEDI C EXTENSI ONS 1 CD0-1 CFF 1 50 LI SU A4D0-A4FF * 1 51 BAMUM A6A0-A6FF 1 52 COMMON I NDI C NUMBER FORMS A830-A83F 1 53 DEVANAGARI EXTENDED A8E0-A8FF 1 54 JAVANESE A980-A9DF 1 55 MYANMAR EXTENDED-A AA60-AA7F 1 56 MEETEI MAYEK ABC0-ABFF after 1 031 EGYPTI AN HI EROGLYPHS insert new entries as follows: 1 032 I MPERI AL ARAMAI C

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