ISO 8373:2021 pdf download – Robotics — Vocabulary.
3.6 industrial robot automatically controlled, reprogrammable multipurpose manipulator (4.14), programmable in three or more axes, which can be either fixed in place or fixed to a mobile platform (4.16) for use in automation applications in an industrial environment Note 1 to entry: The industrial robot includes: — — — the manipulator, including robot actuators (4.1) controlled by the robot controller; the robot controller; the means by which to teach and/or program the robot, including any communications interface (hardware and software). Note 2 to entry: Industrial robots include any auxiliary axes that are integrated into the kinematic solution. Note 3 to entry: Industrial robots include the manipulating portion(s) of mobile robots, where a mobile robot consists of a mobile platform with an integrated manipulator or robot. 3.7 service robot robot (3.1) in personal use or professional use that performs useful tasks for humans or equipment Note 1 to entry: Tasks in personal use include handling or serving of items, transportation, physical support, providing guidance or information, grooming, cooking and food handling, and cleaning. Note 2 to entry: Tasks in professional use include inspection, surveillance, handling of items, person transportation, providing guidance or information, cooking and food handling, and cleaning. 3.8 medical robot robot (3.1) intended to be used as medical electrical equipment or medical electrical systems Note 1 to entry: A medical robot is not regarded as an industrial robot ( 3.6 ) or a service robot (3.7 ). 3.9 industrial robot system robot system machine comprising an industrial robot ( 3.6 ); end-effector(s) (4.12); any end-effector sensors and equipment (e.g. vision systems, adhesive dispensing, weld controller) needed to support the intended task; and a task program Note 1 to entry: The robot system requirements, including those for controlling hazards, are contained in ISO 10218-2. 3.10 robotics science and practice of designing, manufacturing, and applying robots (3.1) 3.11 operator person designated to start, monitor and stop the intended operation 3.12 task programmer person designated to prepare the task program (6.1) 3.13 collaboration operation by purposely designed robots (3.1) and person working within the same space
3.14 robot cooperation information and action exchanges between multiple robots (3.1) to ensure that their motions work effectively together to accomplish the task 3.15 human–robot interaction HRI information and action exchanges between human and robot (3.1) to perform a task by means of a user interface (6.18) EXAMPLE Exchanges through vocal, visual and tactile means. Note 1 to entry: Because of possible confusion, it is advisable not to use the abbreviated term “HRI ” for human – robot interface when describing user interface. 3.16 validation confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that the particular requirements for a specific intended use have been fulfilled [SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.8.13, modified — definition modified and notes to entry removed.] 3.17 verification confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that the requirements have been fulfilled [SOURCE: ISO 9000:2015, 3.8.12, modified — definition modified and notes to entry removed.]
ISO 8373:2021 pdf download – Robotics — Vocabulary