ISO 30415:2021 pdf download – Human resource management — Diversity and inclusion.
1 Scope This document provides guidance on D&I for organizations, including their governance body, leaders, workforce and recognized representatives, and other stakeholders. It is intended to be scalable to the needs of all types of organizations in different sectors, whether in public, private, government or non- governmental organizations (NGO), regardless of size, type, activity, industry or sector, growth phase, external influences and country-specific requirements. This document presents fundamental prerequisites for D&I, associated accountabilities and responsibilities, recommended actions, suggested measures and potential outcomes. It recognizes that each organization is different and that decision makers need to determine the most appropriate approach to embedding D&I in their organization, based on the organization’s context and any disruptive challenges that emerge. This document does not address the specific aspects of relations with labour unions or work councils, or country-specific compliance, legal requirements or litigation. 2 Normative references The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 30400, Human resource management — Vocabulary 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 30400 and the following apply. ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses: — ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso .org/obp — IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia .org/ 3.1 accessibility extent to which workplace environments, systems, and organizational products and services are accessible and can be used by the broadest range of people 3.2 accommodate adapt to or adjust to Note 1 to entry: The aim of accommodating specific needs is to enable people with differing abilities to gain access to work and contribute to the organization. Note 2 to entry: Adjustments can vary according to differing abilities, specific individual needs and circumstances. For example, having organizational policies that cover making adjustments to premises, working hours, job responsibilities and equipment, and providing accessible information and assistive technologies, as well as time for treatment and rehabilitation, when applicable.
3.3 accountability obligation of a person or organization to account for their activities or accept responsibility for those activities Note 1 to entry: The activities can, for example, include the completion of a deliverable or task, and accepting responsibility can involve disclosing the results of the activities in a transparent manner. [SOURCE: ISO/TS 21089:2018, 3.3.1, modified — Variable characteristics of the concept moved to Note 1 to entry.] 3.4 adverse impact outcome that is disadvantageous and potentially discriminatory for individuals and groups of people 3.5 bias tendency, inclination or opinion that is preconceived or unreasoned that hinders impartial judgement Note 1 to entry: Bias can be unconscious, conscious or systematic. [SOURCE: ISO 30400:2016, 9.2, modified]
ISO 30415:2021 pdf download – Human resource management — Diversity and inclusion