ISO 24169:2022 pdf download – Ships and marine technology — Fireproof watertight hatch covers

ISO 24169:2022 pdf download – Ships and marine technology — Fireproof watertight hatch covers.
6.2 The cover plate, coaming and its attachments shall not have any deformation. Hatch covers shall be treated as grade Sa2½ or grade St2 and coating anti-rust primer in compliance with the requirements of ISO 8501-1. 6.3 Hatch covers shall be capable of being opened and closed easily without obstruction, and the moving parts shall be maintained in good working condition. 6.4 Fire resistance properties of hatch covers shall comply with that of an “A” class fire door in IMO Resolution MSC.307 (88)-(2010 FTP Code) Annex 1, Part 3, as amended. In addition, the maximum temperature rise measured along the hatch coaming shall not exceed 180 °C for the required test duration. The fire testing and instrumentation requirements for hatch covers shall be in accordance with 7.2 of this document. 6.5 Hatch covers shall have no leakage under a water pressure of 0,1 MPa. 7 Test 7.1 Operate the hatch cover by opening and closing it twice in a row, to check the agility of the opening device and the hinge. The requirements in 6.3 shall be met. 7.2 Fire resistance properties of hatch covers shall be verified generally in accordance with the fire testing and instrumentation requirements of an “A” class fire door in IMO Res. MSC.307 (88)-(2010 FTP Code) Annex 1, Part 3, Appendix 1, paragraphs 2.3 and 7.6.3 respectively and additional requirements specified in 7.2.1. to 7.2.2 of this document. The result shall meet the requirements in 6.4 of this document. 7.2.1 As higher temperatures may be expected along the hatch coaming, additional thermocouples shall be placed directly on the hatch coaming 25 mm from the fire unexposed surface of the cover plate, provided that the thermocouples are at least 100 mm away from the gap between the edge of the hatch leaf and frame. Where this is not possible because the coaming does not extend 25 mm from the deck, or where the thermocouples are closer than 100 mm from the gap between the hatch leaf edge and frame, such thermocouples shall be placed directly on the deck plate 100 mm away from the coaming. Each of the thermocouples (minimum of four) shall be placed at the centre of each side of the coaming or corresponding location on the deck. 7.2.2 These thermocouples are additional to those required to be provided on the hatch cover/ lid, stiffeners and/or any other special features in accordance with 2010 FTP Code Annex 1, Part 3, Appendix 1, paragraph 7.6.3. 7.3 Install the hatch cover on a dedicated water pressure test box, increase the water pressure within the test box to 0,10 MPa, and keep it for 5 min, then release the water pressure. The requirements in 6.5 shall be met. 8 Status display 8.1 In case local indicators and indicators located at the central control console in the navigation bridge are provided to indicate the status of each hatch cover, the indicators shall be regular indicators together with a sound and light warning function: a) when the cover is fully open, the red light shall be on; b) when the cover is fully closed, the green light shall be on; c) if the hatch cover dogs are loose, an indicator shall display a sound and light alarm.

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