ISO 22480-2:2022 pdf download – Railway applications — Concrete sleepers and bearers for track — Part 2: Prestressed monoblock sleepers.
5.3 Test procedures 5.3.1 General Storage conditions should be specified by the purchaser. The following precautions should be considered for the execution of the tests. — Wipe clean all testing machine bearing surfaces and remove any loose grit or other extraneous material form the surface of the sleeper that will be in contact with the supports. — For sleepers stored in water, wipe excess moisture from the surface of the sleeper before placing in the testing machine. — Place the test sleeper in the machine, correctly centred and with the longitudinal axis of the sleeper at the right angles to the longitudinal axis of the upper and lower supports. Ensure that the reference direction of loading is perpendicular to the direction of casting of the sleeper. For the position of the supports, see 5.2. — Do not apply the load until all supports are resting evenly against the sleeper. The initial reference test loads shall be calculated according to 5.3.2. The test loads shall be applied according to procedures defined in 5.3.3, 5.3.4 and 5.3.5. Crack width shall be measured according to ISO 22480-1:2022, 9.2. NOTE 1 Background information about test load levels for design approval tests and routine tests is given in ISO 22480-1:2022, Annexes A, B and C. Information about the determination of coefficients k 1s , k 1d , k 2s , k 2d and k 3 is given in ISO 22480-1:2022, Annexes B and D. Cyclic test Rail seat section: 6 sleepers (one rail seat per sleeper), for the positive bending moment. Fatigue test Rail seat section: 1 sleeper (one rail seat per sleeper), for the positive bending moment. 5.6 Routine tests 5.6.1 General The routine tests are carried out in order to find any variation in the quality of the concrete sleeper, leading to an unacceptable quality level. The number of samples and rates of tests shall be given in the quality plan for the manufacturing unit. The routine bending tests to be carried out are defined in Table 1. 5.6.2 Positive static test at rail seat section This test shall be carried out in accordance with the test arrangement shown in Figure 1 and the procedure for static positive bending test at the rail seat section without control of the residual cracks. 5.7 Test report For each test, a report shall be prepared at a request of the purchaser containing at least the following elements: — identification and age of the sleeper tested; — test procedure and options; — width of each crack at each load step (when there are requirements related to crack width); — test results (test load) and comparison with acceptance criteria.
ISO 22480-2:2022 pdf download – Railway applications — Concrete sleepers and bearers for track — Part 2: Prestressed monoblock sleepers