ISO 21503:2022 pdf download – Project, programme and portfolio management — Guidance on programme management

ISO 21503:2022 pdf download – Project, programme and portfolio management — Guidance on programme management.
3.5 governing body person, group or entity accountable for the governance (3.4) of an organization, organizations or a part of an organization [SOURCE: ISO/TR 21506:2018, 3.26] 3.6 outcome change resulting from the use of the output (3.7) from a project (3.14) or programme (3.10) [SOURCE: ISO 21502:2020, 3.13, modified — “or programme” has been added.] 3.7 output aggregated tangible or intangible deliverables (3.3) that form the project (3.14) or programme (3.10) result [SOURCE: ISO 21502:2020, 3.14, modified — “or programme” has been added.] 3.8 portfolio collection of portfolio components (3.9) grouped together to facilitate their management to meet strategic objectives [SOURCE: ISO/TR 21506:2018, 3.42] 3.9 portfolio component project (3.14), programme (3.10), portfolio (3.8), or other related work [SOURCE: ISO/TR 21506:2018, 3.43] 3.10 programme group of programme components (3.12) managed in a coordinated way to realize benefits (3.2) [SOURCE: ISO/TR 21506:2018, 3.50] 3.11 programme? benefit assessable outcome (3.6) by managing interrelated programme components (3.12) together to achieve strategic and operational objectives [SOURCE: ISO/TR 21506:2018, 3.51, modified — “by managing interrelated programme components together to achieve strategic and operational objectives” has replaced “viewed as an advantage by programme stakeholders and contributing to the programme objectives”.] 3.12 programme component project (3.14), programme (3.10) or other related work [SOURCE: ISO/TR 21506:2018, 3.52] 3.13 programme management coordinated activities to direct and control the realisation of identified benefits (3.2) and deliverables (3.3) [SOURCE: ISO/TR 21506:2018, 3.54]
3.14 project temporary endeavour to achieve one or more defined objectives [SOURCE: ISO 21502:2020, 3.20] 3.15 project management coordinated activities to direct and control the accomplishment of agreed objectives [SOURCE: ISO 21502:2020, 3.24] 3.17 sponsor person responsible for obtaining the resources and executive decisions to enable success [SOURCE: ISO/TR 21506:2018, 3.78] 3.18 stakeholder person, group or organization that has interests in, or can affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by, any aspect of the project (3.14), programme (3.10) or portfolio (3.8) [SOURCE: ISO/TR 21506:2018, 3.79] 4 Concepts of programmes and programme management 4.1 General This clause describes the concepts of programmes and programme management. It provides guidance to executive and senior management on how programme management should be integrated in an organization or organizations. 4.2 Concepts of programmes 4.2.1 General This subclause describes the concept of programmes, and describes a programme’s purpose, establishment, alignment, structure and stakeholders.
4.2.2 Programme characteristics Programmes can be strategic, transformational or operational, and have one or more of the following characteristics: — programmes comprise programme components that have interdependent and interrelated relationships to one another; — programmes provide outcomes and benefits for stakeholders and contribute to strategic, transformational or operational objectives; — programmes have complexity and uncertainty, which need to be managed and reduced where possible. Complexity and uncertainty in relation to programmes can include: — unclear and uncertain objectives to be achieved; — context and other external factors;

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