ISO 18626:2017 pdf download – Information and documentation — Interlibrary Loan Transactions.
5.2.1 Applications acting as initiators Applications acting as initiators must support at least one of the following transport protocols: — HTTP; — HTTPS. 5.2.2 Applications acting as responders Applications acting as responders must support all of the following transport protocols: — HTTP; — HTTPS. The selection of the transport protocol by the initiator of a message dictates the transport protocol used by the responder. The responder must respond using the same connection and therefore, the same transport protocol that was used by the initiator. All ISO 18626 messages sent via HTTP or HTTPS must use the POST method as specified in the version 1.1. of the Hypertext Transfer (HTTP) protocol (RFC 2616), thus: POST http: //illtransactions. org HTTP/1. 1 CRLF All ISO 18626 response messages sent via HTTP or HTTPS must use the normal HTTP/HTTPS protocol response mechanism used to respond to POSTs. For example: HTTP/1. 1 200 OK CRLF <response header felds> CRLF CRLF <response message> 5.2.3 HTTP/HTTPS message headers For both optional ISO 18626 initiation and response messages, the HTTP/HTTPS Content-Type and Content-Length headers must be included and coded as follows: Content-Type: application/xml; charset=”utf-8″ CRLF Content-Length: nnnn CRLF Where nnnn is the length of the data being sent (not including the length of the message headers). The entity transferred via the HTTP message must contain the entire text of the message following a carriage return/line feed (CRLF) with no preceding text, thus: CRLF <initiation message> | <response message> Where < initiation message > or < response message > contains the XML formatted data (see 5.1) for the message being sent. 5.2.4 Data privacy protection The Request message provides an option to include information about the patron for whom the item is being requested. Both the requesting and supplying agencies shall observe appropriate regulations (whether they are international, national, regional or local in scope) regarding the privacy and protection of patron data when PatronInfo is transferred or stored.
6 Conformance requirements A local application in the Supplying Agency is conformant to this document if it supports the receipt of Requests and Messages. A local application in the Requesting Agency is conformant if it supports the receipt of messages as described in 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 using the format and transport method as described in 5.1 and 5.2. If a Request or a Message includes actions which cannot be processed by the local application at the supplying agency, the local application in the supplying agency or the requesting agency shall respond with the relevant Error code in the Confirmation Message. A local application in the supplying agency shall support at least two statuses.
ISO 18626:2017 pdf download – Information and documentation — Interlibrary Loan Transactions