ISO 15632:2021 pdf download – Microbeam analysis — Selected instrumental performance parameters for the specification and checking of energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometers (EDS) for use with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) or an electron probe microanalyser (EPMA).
3.9 peak height maximum signal intensity (3.8) of a spectral peak measured as height of the peak above a defined background signal (3.11) 3.10 peak area net peak area sum of signal intensities (3.8) of a spectral peak after background signal (3.11) removal 3.11 background signal continuous X-ray spectrum continuum non-characteristic component of an X-ray spectrum arising from the bremsstrahlung (3.12) and other effects Note 1 to entry: Apart from the bremsstrahlung (3.12), degraded events occurring due to the operation of the spectrometer may contribute to the background signal (3.11). Extraneous signals arising from one or more parts of the spectrometer, microscope chamber or specimen itself (by X-ray scattering) may also add to the background signal (3.11). 3.12 bremsstrahlung braking radiation non-characteristic X-ray spectrum created by electron deceleration in the coulombic field of an atom and having an energy distribution from 0 up to the incident beam energy 3.13 X-ray take-off angle TOA angle between the specimen surface and the direction where exiting X-rays will strike the centre of the detector’s sensor Note 1 to entry: With increasing solid angle encompassed by the detector, TOA may vary significantly within a range around that TOA corresponding to the central position on the X-ray sensor. 3.14 zero peak strobe zero peak noise peak artificial peak generated by the pulse processor initiating measurements whenever there is a suitable gap between real photon pulses Note 1 to entry: The zero peak effectively simulates the peak that would be obtained from zero energy photons and can be used to calibrate the energy scale and determine the electronic noise contribution. However, it is not always visible to the user. The strobe zero peak should not be confused with a structure in the energy histogram near zero energy that is the result of pulse measurements triggered by electronic noise fluctuations that are indistinguishable from low energy photon pulses. The strobe zero peak may sometimes be shown instead of this structure or the structure may be excluded from the display. 4 Requirements 4.1 General description The manufacturer shall describe, using appropriate reference texts, the essential design elements of the spectrometer in order to permit the user to evaluate the performance of the spectrometer. Elements that are indispensable for the evaluation of the suitability of a spectrometer for a certain field of application shall be given explicitly.
ISO 15632:2021 pdf download – Microbeam analysis — Selected instrumental performance parameters for the specification and checking of energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometers (EDS) for use with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) or an electron probe microanalyser (EPMA)