AS ISO IEC 19795.2:2010 pdf download – Information technology—Biometric performance testing and reporting Part 2: Testing methodologies for technology and scenario evaluation

AS ISO IEC 19795.2:2010 pdf download – Information technology—Biometric performance testing and reporting Part 2: Testing methodologies for technology and scenario evaluation.
4 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 19795-1:2006 and the following apply. 4.1 Biometric data 4.1.1 biometric reference 〈template, model〉 user’s stored reference measure based on features extracted from enrolment samples 4.2 Components of a biometric system 4.2.1 feature extractor apparatus that extracts features from a sample 4.2.2 biometric reference generator apparatus that transforms a sample into a biometric reference 4.3 User interaction with a biometric system 4.3.1 acclimatization reduction, over the course of an evaluation, in a temporal condition of a biometric characteristic that may impact the ability of a sensor to process a sample 4.3.2 effort level number of presentations, attempts or transactions needed to successfully enrol or match in a biometric system 4.3.3 enrolment attempt submission of one or more biometric samples for a Test Subject for the purpose of enrolment in a biometric system NOTE 1 One or more enrolment attempts may be permitted or required to constitute an enrolment transaction. An enrolment attempt may comprise one or more enrolment presentations. NOTE 2 See Annex B for illustration of the relationship between presentation, attempt and transaction. 4.3.4 enrolment attempt limit maximum number of attempts, or the maximum duration, a Test Subject is permitted before an enrolment transaction is terminated 4.3.5 enrolment presentation submission of an instance of a biometric characteristic for a Test Subject for the purpose of enrolment NOTE One or more enrolment presentations may be permitted or required to constitute an enrolment attempt. An enrolment presentation may or may not result in an enrolment attempt. 4.3.6 enrolment presentation limit maximum number of presentations, or the maximum duration, a Test Subject is permitted before an enrolment attempt is terminated
4.3.7 guidance direction provided by an Administrator to a Test Subject in the course of enrolment or recognition NOTE Guidance is separate from feedback provided by a biometric system or device in the course of enrolment or recognition, such as audible or visual presentation queues. 4.3.8 habituation degree of familiarity a Test Subject has with a device NOTE A Test Subject having substantial familiarity with a biometric device, such as that gained in the course of employment, is referred to as a habituated Test Subject. 4.3.9 comparison attempt submission of one or more biometric samples for a Test Subject for the purpose of comparison in a biometric system 4.3.10 comparison attempt limit maximum number of attempts, or the maximum duration, a Test Subject is permitted before a comparison transaction is terminated 4.3.11 comparison presentation submission of an instance of a single biometric characteristic for a Test Subject for the purpose of comparison NOTE One or more comparison presentations may be permitted or required to constitute a comparison attempt. A comparison presentation may or may not result in a comparison attempt. 4.3.12 comparison presentation limit maximum number of presentations, or the maximum duration, a Test Subject is permitted before a comparison attempt is terminated

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