ISO 19967-1:2019 pdf download – Heat pump water heaters — Testing and rating for performance — Part 1: Heat pump water heater for hot water supply

ISO 19967-1:2019 pdf download – Heat pump water heaters — Testing and rating for performance — Part 1: Heat pump water heater for hot water supply.
5 Installation requirements 5.1 Test apparatus and uncertainties of measurement The test apparatus shall be designed in such a way that all requirements for adjustment of set values, stability criteria and uncertainties of measurement according to this document can be fulfilled. Water systems or other heat transfer liquid systems shall be sufficiently free of entrained gas as to ensure that the measured results are not significantly influenced. The inlet and outlet temperatures of the hot water supply are measured in the centre of the flow and as close as possible to the appliance. The response time of the temperature sensor and the sampling interval shall be chosen to maintain the uncertainties in Table 1. Ducted air systems shall be sufficiently airtight to ensure that the measured results are not significantly influenced by exchange of air with the surroundings. For inverter type control units, the setting of the frequency shall be done for each rating condition. The manufacturer shall provide in the documentation information instructions on obtaining the necessary data to set the required frequencies. If skilled personnel with knowledge of control software are required for the start of the system, the manufacturer or the nominated agent should be in attendance when the system is being installed and prepared for tests. The uncertainties of measurement shall not exceed the values specified in Table 1.
5 Installation requirements 5.1 Test apparatus and uncertainties of measurement The test apparatus shall be designed in such a way that all requirements for adjustment of set values, stability criteria and uncertainties of measurement according to this document can be fulfilled. Water systems or other heat transfer liquid systems shall be sufficiently free of entrained gas as to ensure that the measured results are not significantly influenced. The inlet and outlet temperatures of the hot water supply are measured in the centre of the flow and as close as possible to the appliance. The response time of the temperature sensor and the sampling interval shall be chosen to maintain the uncertainties in Table 1. Ducted air systems shall be sufficiently airtight to ensure that the measured results are not significantly influenced by exchange of air with the surroundings. For inverter type control units, the setting of the frequency shall be done for each rating condition. The manufacturer shall provide in the documentation information instructions on obtaining the necessary data to set the required frequencies. If skilled personnel with knowledge of control software are required for the start of the system, the manufacturer or the nominated agent should be in attendance when the system is being installed and prepared for tests. The uncertainties of measurement shall not exceed the values specified in Table 1.

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