ISO IEC 17878:2003 pdf download – Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Inter-exchange signalling protocol — Private User Mobility (PUM) — Call handling additional network features

ISO IEC 17878:2003 pdf download – Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Inter-exchange signalling protocol — Private User Mobility (PUM) — Call handling additional network features.
6 Signalling protocol for the support of ANF-PUMI 6.1 ANF-PUMI description ANF-PUMI enables calls to be directed to a PUM user within the PISN. As there is no predetermined PINX for the connection of a PUM user to the PISN, the directing of such calls requires that information regarding the location of the user is available. 6.2 ANF-PUMI operational requirements 6.2.1 Requirements on the Rerouteing PINX ISO/IEC 11572 protocol control procedures for call establishment at the outgoing side of an inter-PINX link shall apply to the establishment of the connection to the Visitor PINX. ISO/IEC 11572 protocol control procedures for call clearing shall apply to the release of the connection to the PUMI-detect PINX. Generic procedures for the call related control of supplementary services, as specified in ISO/IEC 11582 for an End PINX, shall apply. 6.2.2 Requirements on the PUMI-detect PINX ISO/IEC 11572 protocol control procedures for call establishment at the incoming side of an inter-PINX link shall apply to the establishment of the connection from the Originating or Incoming Gateway PINX. ISO/IEC 11572 protocol control procedures for call clearing shall apply to the release of the connection to the Rerouteing PINX. Generic procedures for the call related control of supplementary services, as specified in ISO/IEC 11582 for an End PINX, shall apply. Generic procedures for the call independent control (connection oriented) of supplementary services, as specified in ISO/IEC 11582 for an Originating PINX, shall apply. 6.2.3 Requirements on the Home PINX Generic procedures for the call independent control (connection oriented) of supplementary services, as specified in ISO/IEC 11582 for a Terminating PINX, shall apply. 6.2.4 Requirements on the Visitor PINX ISO/IEC 11572 protocol control procedures for call establishment at the incoming side of an inter-PINX link shall apply to the establishment of the connection from the Rerouteing PINX. Generic procedures for the call related control of supplementary services, as specified in ISO/IEC 11582 for an End PINX, shall apply. 6.2.5 Requirements on a Transit PINX Basic call procedures for call establishment and call clearing at a Transit PINX, as specified in ISO/IEC 11572, shall apply. Generic procedures for the call related control and call independent control (connection oriented) of supplementary services, as specified in ISO/IEC 11582 for a Transit PINX, shall apply.
6.3.2 Information elements Facility information element
The operations defined in 6.3.1 shall be coded in the Facility information element in accordance with ISO/IEC 11582.
When conveying the invoke APDU of operations defined in 6.3.1 the destinationEntity data element of the NFE shall contain value endPINX.
When conveying the invoke APDU of operations defined in 6.3.1, the Interpretation APDU shall either be omitted or be included with value rejectAnyUnrecognisedInvokePdu. Other information elements
Any other information elements (e.g. Calling party number, Called party number) shall be coded in accordance with the rules of ISO/IEC 11572 and ISO/IEC 11582.

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