ISO IEC 17982:2021 pdf download – Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Close capacitive coupling communication physical layer (CCCC PHY)

ISO IEC 17982:2021 pdf download – Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Close capacitive coupling communication physical layer (CCCC PHY).
4 Conventions and notations The following conventions and notations apply in this document. — A sequence of characters of ‘A’, ‘B ’, ‘C ”, ‘D, ‘E ’ or ‘F ’ and decimal digits in parentheses represent numbers in hexadecimal notation unless followed by a ‘b’ character. — Numbers in binary notation and bit patterns are represented by a sequence of 0 and 1 digits or ‘X ’ characters in parentheses followed by a ‘b’ character, e.g. (0X11X010)b. Where X indicates that the setting of a bit is not specified, and the leftmost bit is the most significant bit unless the sequence is a bit pattern. 5 Conformance Conforming entities implement: — both talker and listener; — listen before talk (LBT) for both talker and listener; — the capability to execute association on FDC2 and to communicate on (FDC0 and FDC1), (FDC3 and FDC4), or (FDC0, FDC1, FDC3 and FDC4); — the capability for talkers and listeners to use any of the 8 TDS on an FDC; — both full duplex and broadcast communication, and pass the tests specified in Annex A . 6 Architecture The protocol architecture of CCCC follows ISO/IEC 7498-1 as the basic model. CCCC devices communicate through mediators, such as conductive and dielectric materials. Plate-electrodes for CCCC device E and F are equivalent to the reference plate-electrode assembly. The plate-electrode A faces to the imaginary point at infinity and the plate-electrode B faces to the mediator. The plate-electrode C faces to the mediator and the plate-electrode D faces to the imaginary point at infinity. See Figure 1 . Figure 2 is the equivalent circuit of Figure 1 . The voltage of X is the potential of the point at infinity. The voltage of Y is the potential of the point at infinity. It is deemed that the potential of X and Y is identical. Therefore, X and Y is imaginary short. Consequently, devices E and F are able to send and receive signal. Regarding the information transfers from CCCC devices E to F, device E changes the voltage between plate-electrode A and B. It changes the electric charge between plate-electrode B and the mediator.
Information transfer between CCCC devices E and F takes place by synchronous communication, see subclause 13.1. Subclause 8.2.1 specifies five frequency division channels (FDC) by division of the centre frequency. Each FDC consists of a sequence of time-segments. Each time-segment consists of eight time division slots (TDS) for time division multiple-access, see Clause 12 . Peers use the listen before talk (LBT) procedure in subclause 13.1 to ascertain that a TDS is not occupied. The TDSs are negotiated using the association procedure specified in Clause 14. Subclauses 15.1 and 15.2 specify full duplex and broadcast communication respectively. In full duplex communication, talkers and listeners exchange P-PDUs (see Clause 9 ) by synchronous communication. In broadcast communication, talkers broadcast P-PDUs and listeners receive P-PDUs without acknowledgment. Length information and CRC is added to the SDU to construct a PHY data unit (P-DU), see Clause 10. The sender segments the P-DU into P-PDUs. The receiving entity reassembles the P-PDUs into the P-DU, see Clause 11, and forwards the SDU to its PHY user as illustrated in Figure 3

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