ISO IEC 21407:2001 pdf download – Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Specification, functional model and information flows — Simple dialog supplementary service

ISO IEC 21407:2001 pdf download – Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Specification, functional model and information flows — Simple dialog supplementary service.
1 Scope This International Standard specifies the supplementary service Simple Dialog (SS-SD), which is applicable to various basic services supported by Private Integrated Services Networks (PISNs). Basic services are specified in ISO/IEC 11574. Supplementary service SD enables a user to communicate with another user or application by the exchange of keypad and display information transparently over a PISN. Service specifications are produced in three stages, according to the method described in ETS 300 387. This International Standard contains the stage 1 and stage 2 specifications of SS-SD. The stage 1 specification (clause 6) specifies the supplementary service as seen by users of PISNs. The stage 2 specification (clause 7) specifies the functional entities involved in the supplementary service and the information flows between them. 2 Conformance In order to conform to this International Standard, a stage 3 standard shall specify signalling protocols and equipment behaviour that are capable of being used in a PISN which supports the supplementary service specified in this International Standard. This means that, to claim conformance, a stage 3 standard is required to be adequate for the support of those aspects of clause 6 (stage 1) and clause 7 (stage 2) which are relevant to the interface or equipment to which the stage 3 standard applies. 3 Normative references The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any ofthese publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions ofthe normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition ofthe normative document referred to applies. Members ofISO and IEC maintain registers ofcurrently valid International Standards. ISO/IEC 11574:2000, Information technology – Telecommunications and information exchange between systems – Private Integrated Services Network – Circuit-mode 64 kbit/s bearer services – Service description, functional capabilities and information flows ISO/IEC 11579-1:1994, Information technology – Telecommunications and information exchange between systems – Private integrated services network – Part 1: Reference configuration for PISNExchanges (PINX) ETS 300 387:1994, Private Telecommunication Network (PTN); Method for the specification of basic and supplementary services ITU-T Rec. I.112:1993, Vocabulary ofterms for ISDNs ITU-T Rec. I.210:1993, Principles oftelecommunication services supported by an ISDNand the means to describe them ITU-T Rec. Z.100:1999, Specification and description language (SDL)
4.2 Other definitions 4.2.1 Client User : A user who is able to receive display information and send keypad information. 4.2.2 Display information : A character string which can be displayed on a Client User’s terminal display. 4.2.3 Keypad information : Information representing the Client User’s key presses on the terminal keypad. 4.2.4 Server User : A user who is able to send display and receive keypad information. A Server User can be a user as defined in ISO/IEC 11574 but also a Telecommunication Application or a Server which is directly connected to the PISN.

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