ISO IEC 21408:2003 pdf download – Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Inter-exchange signalling protocol — Simple dialog supplementary service

ISO IEC 21408:2003 pdf download – Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Inter-exchange signalling protocol — Simple dialog supplementary service.
6 Signalling protocol for the support of SS-SD 6.1 SS-SD description SS-SD enables two users to communicate via the exchange of display and keypad information. The Server User is the user who exclusively sends the display information. The user who receives that information and who is able to answer the Server User with keypad information is called the Client User. SS-SD shall be exclusively used to convey display information and keypad information. 6.2 SS-SD operational requirements 6.2.1 Requirements on a Client User PINX Call establishment procedures for the incoming and outgoing side of an inter-PINX link and call release procedures, as specified in ISO/IEC 11572, shall apply. Generic procedures for call-related control of supplementary services, as specified in ISO/IEC 11582 for an End PINX, shall apply. Generic procedures for the call-independent control (connection-oriented) of supplementary services, as specified in ISO/IEC 11582 for an Originating PINX and for a Terminating PINX, shall apply. 6.2.2 Requirements on a Server User PINX Call establishment procedures for the incoming and outgoing side of an inter-PINX link and call release procedures, as specified in ISO/IEC 11572, shall apply. Generic procedures for call-related control of supplementary services, as specified in ISO/IEC 11582 for an End PINX, shall apply. Generic procedures for the call-independent control (connection-oriented) of supplementary services, as specified in ISO/IEC 11582 for a Terminating PINX and for an Originating PINX, shall apply. 6.2.3 Requirements on a Transit PINX Basic call procedures specified in ISO/IEC 11572 for a Transit PINX shall apply. Generic procedures for call-related control of supplementary services, as specified in ISO/IEC 11582 for a Transit PINX, shall apply. Generic procedures for the call-independent control (connection-oriented) of supplementary services, as specified in ISO/IEC 11582 for a Transit PINX, shall apply. State SD-Idle SS-SD is not operating. 6.4.2 States at the Server User PINX The procedures for the Server User PINX are written in terms of the following conceptual states existing within the SS-SD Control entity in that PINX. State SD-Idle SS-SD is not operating. 6.5 SS-SD signalling procedures Examples of message sequences are shown in annex B. 6.5.1 Actions at the Client User PINX The SDL representation of procedures at the Client User PINX is shown in clause C.2 of annex C. Normal procedures Activation / deactivation / interrogation Not applicable. Invocation and operation Due to a request from the Client User the Client User PINX shall send a keypad invoke APDU to the Server User PINX. The element keypadString of the keypad invoke APDU shall contain the Client User’s keypad information coded as a BMP String. For the transport of this keypad invoke APDU the Call Reference of an already existing call independent or call related signalling connection shall be used. If no such connection exists and no call has to be established, the Client User shall set up a call independent signalling connection in accordance with the procedures specified in 7.3 of ISO/IEC 11582. The Client User is responsible for the clearing of this call independent signalling connection. On receipt of a display invoke APDU from the Server User PINX the Client User PINX shall send the display information in an appropriate format to the Client User.

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