ISO IEC 24775-8:2021 pdf download – Information technology — Storage management — Part 8: Media libraries

ISO IEC 24775-8:2021 pdf download – Information technology — Storage management — Part 8: Media libraries.
Finalized Maturity Level Content that has reached the highest maturity level is referred to as “Finalized. ” In addition to satisfying the requirements for the Stable maturity level, content at the Finalized maturity level must solely depend upon or refine material that has also reached the Finalized level. If specification content depends upon material that is not under the control of the SNIA, and therefore not subject to its maturity level definitions, then the external content is evaluated by the SNIA to assure that it has achieved a comparable level of completion, stability, and implementation experience. Should material that has reached this maturity level become obsolete, it may only be deprecated as part of a major revision to the specification. A profile that has reached this maturity level is guaranteed to preserve backward compatibility from one minor specification revision to the next. Over time, it is hoped that all specification content will attain this maturity level. Accordingly, there is no special typographical convention, as there is with the other, subordinate maturity levels. Unless content in the specification is marked with one of the typographical conventions defined for the subordinate maturity levels, it should be assumed to have reached the Finalized maturity level. Deprecated Material Non-Experimental material can be deprecated in a subsequent revision of the specification. Sections identified as “Deprecated ” contain material that is obsolete and not recommended for use in new development efforts. Existing and new implementations may still use this material, but shall move to the newer approach as soon as possible. The maturity level of the material being deprecated determines how long it will continue to appear in the specification. Implemented content shall be retained at least until the next revision of the specialization, while Stable and Finalized material shall be retained until the next major revision of the specification. Providers shall implement the deprecated elements as long as it appears in the specification in order to achieve backward compatibility. Clients may rely on deprecated elements, but are encouraged to use non-deprecated alternatives when possible. Deprecated sections are documented with a reference to the last published version to include the deprecated section as normative material and to the section in the current specification with the replacement. Figure 4 contains a sample of the typographical convention for deprecated content.

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