ISO IEC 29109-1:2009 pdf download – Information technology — Conformance testing methodology for biometric data interchange formats defined in ISO/IEC 19794 — Part 1: Generalized conformance testing methodology

ISO IEC 29109-1:2009 pdf download – Information technology — Conformance testing methodology for biometric data interchange formats defined in ISO/IEC 19794 — Part 1: Generalized conformance testing methodology.
1 Scope This part of ISO/IEC 29109 specifies the concepts, test types and conformance testing methodologies to test biometric data interchange records, as specified in ISO/IEC 19794, or computer algorithms that create biometric data interchange records. This part of ISO/IEC 29109 defines two types (A and B) and three levels (1, 2 and 3) of conformance testing, but it only provides a detailed description and methodology for the three levels of Type A testing. In the case of the first two levels, there are many common test elements, and so the assertion language for specifying Level 1 and Level 2 test assertions is defined in this part of ISO/IEC 29109. ISO/IEC 29109 is not concerned with testing of other characteristics of biometric products or other types of testing of biometric products (i.e. acceptance, performance, robustness, security). This part of ISO/IEC 29109 explicitly does not cover the following areas: ⎯ detailed test elements and assertions or descriptions of any mandatory standard datasets required for testing, which are provided in the other parts of ISO/IEC 29109, each of which specifies conformance testing for a specific base standard; ⎯ testing whether implementations under test (IUTs) that claim to be able to use conformant biometric data interchange records can correctly process such biometric data interchange records (Type B testing). 2 Conformance Biometric data interchange format conformance tests that claim conformance to this part of ISO/IEC 29109 shall satisfy the normative requirements of the methodology for those levels of test they are claiming to perform, as specified in Clauses 6, 7 and 8. Additionally, any Level 1 or Level 2 tests shall use the assertion types defined in Clause 7 with the specific assertion details given in the relevant subsequent parts of ISO/IEC 29109. Implementations of ISO/IEC 19794 tested according to the methodology specified in ISO/IEC 29109 may claim conformance only to those requirements specified in ISO/IEC 19794 that are tested by the test methods established by this methodology. 3 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO/IEC 19794-1:2006, Information technology — Biometric data interchange formats — Part 1: Framework
4.12 conformance testing suite test software used to automate certain types of conformance testing 4.13 conformity assessment demonstration that specified requirements relating to a product, process, system, person or body are fulfilled [ISO/IEC 17000:2004] 4.14 declaration declaration of conformity first-party attestation [ISO/IEC 17000:2004]

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